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Sunday 16 October 2011

Info Post
I love John Carpenter's The Thing. Let's get that out of the way right off the bat. I've loved it since the first time I saw it in 5th grade over twenty years ago and have continued loving it ever since. I would wager I've seen it at least 30 times and have never grown tired of it. It truly is a perfect film. Great performances. Stunning atmosphere and production design. Ground breaking special effects. Masterful score. Yeah, yeah yeah, we know all that. What has it done for us lately? Well, it has served as the springboard for a new film set in its universe. An extremely entertaining motion picture that hits all the familiar beats we'd be outraged if weren't alluded to, all the while managing to have a trick or two up its sleeve to keep us guessing. That's right everyone, the long dreaded, pre-emptively maligned Thing prequel was released this weekend, and it was pretty goddamn great.

No, the characters aren't as awesome as they were in the original, but we've had thirty years to fall so deeply in love with them haven't we? No, the practical effects work Woodruff and Gillis contributed (yes, there is practical effects work in this) doesn't hold a candle to the ingenuity of Bottin's artistry in the original, but it is solid and the computer graphics work is marvelously compelling and repulsive. No, the score is not as instantly iconic as the Morricone one, but after a second viewing, Beltrami's work is starting to grow on me. The point is, I go see films in the theater because I love movies and want to be entertained by them, temporarily (and safely) transported out of my world into something more fantastical. On those accounts, The Thing prequel did a wonderful job and I honestly couldn't be more pleasantly pleased with how it turned out.

My problem is with narrow minded fans of the original who have opted to trash the picture sight unseen, out of some twisted obligation to the sanctity of the Carpenter film, itself a remake. I don't know why I allow myself to get sucked into these pointless message board squabbles time and again. Breathlessly exhorting my myriad points in a misguided, wrong headed and meaningless attempt to get people I've never met and never will to appreciate film in the same manner as I do. I have a very active and exceedingly energetic relationship with film. I LOVE seeing movies in the theater. It's my religion and the theater is my church. If a film particularly speaks to me, I will soak in the sermon several times on the big screen before buying the bluray to worship in the comfort of my own home. I love way more movies than I hate, and have even been known to give a film I hated a second chance while still in theaters. That is the way I choose to enjoy film and it is becoming increasingly at odds with how people on the net do. I've taken a week or so off of arguing about movies with people on message boards and it has been heaven.

I need to detach. I need to not care about opinions I don't even respect. I need to enjoy a resurgent interest in Michael Mann films without feeling obligated to blog about it or create a thread about it where ignorant nimrods spew garbage and break off into crude tangents. I'll write in here when and if I feel like it and enthusiastically participate on podcasts with like minded friends, but I'm done arguing. I love movies and I don't need to justify myself to anyone. I'm not making any money from this and I have no interest in doing so. I'm just going to enjoy being a film aficionado who comments in a one sided capacity when the muse moves him. So, see you all at the movies! Save me an aisle seat....asshole.


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