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Friday 10 December 2010

Info Post

Am I an idiot for being a 33 year old man who is so excited about Tron: Legacy he can barely contain himself? I have so thoroughly bought into the hype surrounding this film that I've actually purchased the Daft Punk soundtrack. I've never given a shit about this band before in my life. But as I listen to it on my Ipod while typing this admission of regressive enthusiasm, my already considerable anticipation is growing exponentially. It sounds huge and sweeping, cold and detached, imperial and fascistic. It brings to mind the work Toto did on Dune and Vangelis did on Blade Runner. I've taken the entire week of the 20th off work to hang with my son during his Christmas break and plan on seeing the film in Imax 3-D with him more than once.

I've taken a bit of a blogging break due to increased responsibilities at work and home. I think I've been putting far too much effort into this stuff and it kind of burned me out. I'll just post when I feel the inclination and am in possession of the time. The theaters have been a barren wasteland since Scott Pilgrim's ignominious run. The Zach Snyder owl movie looked nice, Mega Mind and Tangled were fun and Skyline gave my and my wife's eyeballs a good rolling workout.

I've been primarily hunkering down with the classics on bluray. Good lord do I love my TV, 5.1 surround and bluray player! I completely understand the money argument. But if you're a self professed film fanatic who has the means and refuses to upgrade to bluray, you are full of shit. I've mostly been watching old films. Apocalypse Now, City of the Living Dead, Maniac, The Untouchables, Halloween, Bram Stoker's Dracula and Texas Chainsaw Massacre to name a few. I suppose I have dark taste in film. Not that I'm some deep dude or anything, I just prefer more serious films with a mature tone and subdued aesthetic. I can not for the life of me understand how people can waste their time on schlocky Roger Corman garbage, brain dead slashers or that atrocious Syfy channel afterbirth. I'm a pompous ass I guess, but give me Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, Tetsuo: the iron man and Hardware over piranha 3-D any day of the fucking week. I'm a grown ass man and I can no longer be entertained by juvenile ephemera. Except for Tron: Legacy.

And can we talk about how awful The Walking Dead is please? Jesus Harold Christ on a pair of rubber crutches is that some predictable garbage. Boring too. Boiler plate social commentary with CGI gore, clunky scripts and wildly inconsistent acting. How's this for an idea, have Michael Rooker show up for one episode, set the screen ablaze, then disappear him for the rest of the season?!?!?!?!?!? And that Halloween opener? Snooze fest. I expected better from Darabont and AMC.

In closing, everyone give Profondo Cinema a listen. It's the best podcast going today! I'm hoping to give Antichrist a viewing coming up soon here. That should yield some interesting thoughts. Black Swan is out, True Grit and Tron coming up, things are looking up. All that and I have the Criterion blu of Night of the Hunter on my Christmas wish list! Happy Chrimbus everyone!


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